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Interesting Articles and Blog Posts

Business, Internet,

What is the Metaverse and how will it affect my business?

18 October 2021     2

In currently understandable terms, the Metaverse will be a 3D version of the internet, with way more presence and engagement thanks to immersive means…

Business, Internet,

Community Platforms for Collaborative Team Working

06 August 2020

A look at the two types of community platform relevant to collaborative team working - forums and chat - with an explanation of the key differences…

Internet, Design,

Should we run one website or many for our various business interests?

17 April 2018

A single website should be simpler and therefore cheaper to host and manage, but multiple websites allow you to better focus your marketing, branding…

Internet, Design,

How to structure information within a website

29 August 2017

How you distribute information within the various pages of your website, and how those pages are grouped and structured, can be critical to how…

Business, Internet,

Electronic Signatures - are they legal in the UK?

03 August 2014     5

What is an electronic signature and are they legal to use for UK business documents?

Business, Internet,

Get your house in order - increase direct bookings

02 July 2014

Inbound tourism is on the up - your hotel website needs to be contemporary, easy to navigate, and responsive for mobile devices to increase direct…